
City staff say former Fairmont School site might work for affordable housing

Staff are recommending that the city of London consider buying the site of the former Fairmont Public School at 1040 Hamilton Rd., with an eye to using the 11-acre property for a yet-to-be determined mix of parkland and affordable housing.

School on Hamilton Road declared surplus by the TVDSB in March

The Thames Valley District School Board has declared the former site of Fairmont Public School surplus. A report coming to London city council recommends the city declare an interest in buying the site for use as affordable housing.
The Thames Valley District School Board has declared the former site of Fairmont Public School surplus. A report coming to London city council recommends the city declare an interest in buying the site for use as affordable housing. (Andrew Lupton/CBC)

Staff are recommending the city of London consider buying the former Fairmont Public School at 1040 Hamilton Rd., with an eye to using the 11-acre property for parkland and affordable housing. 

A report coming to the city's planning committee on Tuesday says city council should officially express its interest in the property, which was declared surplus by the Thames Valley District School Board (TVDSB) in March. 

Under provincial rules, public entities get an early crack at buying surplus school property. The report says the city needs to state its interest in writing before June 20. If the school board can't reach a deal with the city or another public entity, the site will be sold on the private market. 

The report doesn't spell out details about how the site might be developed, but says staff have looked at potential partnerships and prepared a preliminary concept site design for both housing and parkland on the property. 

A letter from the TVDSB to the city says the school board is required to sell the property at fair market value and will be getting an appraisal. Students from Fairmont will attend Tweedsmuir Public School and Summerside Public School.

Councillors will discuss the report at Tuesday's planning committee meeting.