Milverton man sentenced for animal cruelty
A Milverton man faces a five-year prohibition sentence and a fine for abusing his chocolate Laborador retriever. The puppy was sent to hospital with respiratory distress and injuries in his lungs, spleen and diaphragm.

A Milverton man has been sentenced to a five-year prohibition from owning animals and a $730 fine after pleading guilty to animal cruelty on April 11, 2017.
He was charged under the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act.
The victim is a chocolate Laborador retriever puppy that arrived at the Ontario Veterinary College Companion Animal Hospital in Guelph, Ont. with respiratory distress in December 2016.
The puppy also had injured lungs, spleen and diaphragm. They were a result of the man's attempts to discipline the dog.
The abuse was reported to the Stratford-Perth Humane Society through 310-SPCA, a provincial toll-free 24-hour phone number for reporting suspected animal abuse.