Feb. 19, 1990: Edmontonians flock to the malls on Alberta's first Family Day
’It sort of defeats the purpose of Family Day that it eliminates your retail employee's ability to celebrate'
Many Edmonton families spent Alberta's first Family Day in 1990 in malls hunting for bargains or enjoying a meal.
Edmonton Centre brought in a small orchestra to entertain shoppers, and stores held Family Day sales as many people headed to the malls on this additional day off work.
In Edmonton, many stores had shortened hours, typically 12:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m., however, some retail employees who worked on the holiday felt stores shouldn't have opened at all.

The spirit of the holiday seemed to be reflected in how busy restaurants were, with many families gathering for a meal.
Then-premier Don Getty's intention in creating the holiday was so families could spend time together.

After Alberta started observing Family Day in 1990, other provinces followed.
In the video CBC's Dana Lewis catches up with Albertans as they enjoyed the first Family Day in Edmonton's malls.