Edmonton - CBC News

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Not enough traffic — or speed — on Alberta's internet 'highway,' critics complain

In 2001, the Alberta government pledged to connect rural communities to a high-speed internet "highway" called the Alberta SuperNet. But after almost 25 years and an estimated $1 billion invested in the project, recent statistics show that Alberta has the worst rural high-speed internet availability of all the provinces.

Why some Canadian towns are seeing pushes to keep crosswalks white, let certain flags fly

More citizen-led organizations across Canada are fighting for neutral public spaces, where crosswalks are white and there are limitations on the types of flags municipalities can fly.



Alberta nurses hold rallies amidst contract talks with the province

United Nurses of Alberta members held a day of action — and they want respect from the provincial government. The rallies are happening against the backdrop of tense contact negotiations that have been ongoing since last year. The CBC’s Sam Brooks has more from Edmonton.

Why getting your pet's prescription filled at a pharmacy isn't an easy option in Canada

CBC/Radio-Canada investigation finds some in industry work to limit supply of pet meds

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