
Alberta government supports Edmonton expo bid

The Alberta government is contributing $1.14 million towards the City of Edmonton's bid to host Expo 2017.

Calgary has not yet requested provincial funding

The Alberta government is contributing $1.14 million towards the City of Edmonton's bid to host Expo 2017.

The province wants to be at the table with the city for the decision-making process, Premier Ed Stelmach said Monday.

"Let's first do a feasibility study to make sure that where we're going is reasonable, we have all the statistics in place in terms of what the revenue stream would be and how we can promote Alberta as a whole," Stelmach said.

The study is to determine if it's even possible for Edmonton to host such an event, he said.

"It's not only Edmonton but how do we promote all of Alberta, the whole province of Alberta, all of our communities. Yes, the World Expo bid may be here in Edmonton but how can we promote all of the province of Alberta," the premier said.

The feasibility report has to be completed by November and then sent to Heritage Canada. The federal department will then decide which Canadian city should submit an international bid.

Edmonton has already spent about $2.3 million on the first phase of its proposal to host the exposition.

The city had asked the provincial government for funding to cover half the costs of the second phase.

Calgary has also announced it will make a bid to host Expo 2017, but the City of Calgary has not requested any financial support from the provincial government, the premier said.