Calgary Camera Club turns its lens on the city
As the pictures show, life happens
EDITOR'S NOTE: A city taken as a moment in time — we asked the good people of the Calgary Camera Club if they'd share their visions of Calgary with us.
Calgary is a complex city. Is there a collective identity? I'm not so sure.
Seeing the city through a lens, you tend to see it as moments, as one-off visions.
We at the Calgary Camera Club — professionals and amateurs alike — try to capture those moments. And we wanted to share glimpses of life in our city in 2016.
Whether Calgary is struggling with crisis or riding high on a wave of success, we are a resilient lot.
As the pictures show, life happens.
Let's celebrate the diversity.
Walking on Rainbows
Sad Cowgirl
No Trouble
Can't Wait
Uncertain Economy Obscures Downtown like the Fog
The Bow
Big Dreams
Calgary Drop-In
Reaching For The Sky
Calgary at a Crossroads is CBC Calgary's special focus on life in our city during the downturn. A look at Calgary's culture, identity and what it means to be Calgarian. Read more stories from the series at Calgary at a Crossroads.