Man killed, driver arrested after off-road vehicle crash in southeast B.C.
RCMP say alcohol is believed to be a factor in crash, in which UTV rolled into body of water

A man from Alberta is dead after the off-road vehicle he was travelling in crashed into a body of water in southeastern B.C. on Saturday.
Police, paramedics and search-and-rescue crews were called to the Newgate area on the west side of Lake Koocanusa around 11:50 p.m. PT, according to RCMP. The lake, which straddles the Canada-U.S. border, is southeast of Cranbrook, B.C.
A statement said investigators believe two men were in the utility task vehicle (UTV), also known as a side-by-side vehicle, when it rolled into a body of water.
The passenger suffered fatal injuries and was declared dead at the scene.
The driver was unhurt, but police later arrested him.
"Alcohol is believed to have been a contributing factor in the incident," the statement read.
The driver is due to make an appearance in provincial court in Fernie, B.C.
RCMP said its investigation is ongoing. The B.C. Coroners Service is also investigating the circumstances around the man's death.