Saanich park temporarily renamed after Paul Rudd
Hollywood star gets a piece of Saanich thanks to humourous vandals

Someone in Saanich, B.C. with quite the sense of humour has renamed Rudd Park after Hollywood actor, Paul Rudd.
Photos of the newly minted sign made the rounds on Reddit on Monday.
Many Redditors called the act, "Canadian vandalism" because the sign was stuck on with tape making it easily removable.
"Funny and thoughtful," said one commenter.
It's great that the City of Saanich <a href="">#yyj</a> decided to finally dedicate one of our local parks to the great <a href="">#PaulRudd</a>.… <a href=""></a>
Eva Riccius, the district of Saanich's senior parks manager said the sign was first spotted over the weekend and was removed Monday morning.
"Well we thought it was kind of cute," laughed Riccius. "However when we do notice something that's unusual, that shouldn't be in a park or on our infrastructure, it's our policy to remove and return to its original state."
At this point, she said the district will not be pursuing the individual who put up the sign.

However, it did prompt her to research Rudd Park.
Riccius said the green space is named after Martha Rudd — a single mother of eight who owned and operated a farm in Victoria.
In an article she found from 1992, she said Rudd's descendents were planning a reunion for more than 100 family members.
"So I was thinking, wouldn't it be cool if Paul was related somehow?" asked Riccius.
Thus far, no one has come forward to take responsibility for the Paul Rudd sign.
A similar incident has previously taken place in Vancouver when artist Viktor Briestensky put up a sign for Dude Chilling Park.
After an outpouring of support through social media for the sign, Vancouver Park Board relented and approved it as a piece of public art.