B.C. gangster killed in Mexico City
Police say Lower Mainland gang rivalry to blame

A well-known B.C. gangster has been killed in the prosperous Sante Fe neighbourhood of Mexico City, according to police.
Jodh Manj was a long-standing member of the UN gang and travelled to Mexico and other countries regularly said Sgt. Brenda Winpenny, a spokesperson for the Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit (CFSEU).
"Even fleeing to other countries, you are not immune to the gang violence that's associated with that lifestyle," she said.
The UN gang has had a longstanding conflict with rival gangs in the Lower Mainland, and Winpenny said it could have an effect on what might happen next in B.C.
The UN gang's principal rival is known as the Wolf Pack — an association of the Hells Angels, the Red Scorpions and Independent Soldiers.
Manj is described as a very active and prominent member of the UN gang and was well-known to police.
"It boils over, and you see these little spurts of tit-for-tat kind of acts of violence. It will depend if there is a retaliatory effect with this or things calm down," Winpenny said.
Manj was staying long term in other countries to avoid prosecution in the U.S. where he had outstanding criminal cases, she said.
Global Affairs Canada says it is aware of the death of a Canadian citizen in Mexico. Canadian consular officials are in contact with local authorities to gather additional information and consular services are being provided to the family, said spokesperson Stefano Maron in an email.
"We offer our deepest condolences to the family and friends of the Canadian citizen. Due to the provisions of the Privacy Act, no further information can be disclosed," he said.