Macon Blair's new film takes the audience to a 'profoundly nightmarish' place

Director Macon Blair says he relished the opportunity to abandon audiences' expectations in his new film I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore.
The film follows main character Ruth dealing with the aftermath of her home being broken into and her ultimate quest for vengeance against the perpetrators. "It's one thing to be upset when somebody cuts in front of you in line; it's another thing to say that somebody broke into your house and took your things. And I think that she expects that the world will fall into line and justice will be served and then that's just not the way it's going to work," he tells Tom Power.
The film seems at first to be a pleasant, even quirky indie romance, says Blair, yet it descends into a violent and bloody tale of justice served. "Like a frog in a kettle of water that's slowly starting to boil, [the film] becomes more and more nightmarish as it goes on until it ends up in a profoundly nightmarish place, or at least that was the intention."
I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore is available on Netflix.
— Produced by Diane Eros