Not at the Dinner Table turns leaving a voicemail into a cathartic release

Looking to get something off your chest, but you don't want to bring it up because you're afraid of how it will be received? Well, artists Jeff Foye and Gordon Winiemko have created an outlet for you. Not at the Dinner Table is a project that invites people to dial a phone number and leave an anonymous voicemail for an important person they disagree with. A lot of the messages deal with politics, and with the holidays around the corner, Not at the Dinner Table can be a source of relief for those who want to avoid an argument or even just practice for people hoping to speak up.
"What really inspired us to do this participatory project is just how incredibly divided the United States are right now," says Gordon Winiemko. "Whenever we talk to each other, it's generally the practice to keep the peace and keep relations good," he explains. Winiemko says, "for somebody that leaves a message you could have a cathartic experience from that. You could really unburden yourself of something that you're keeping inside."
You can call the voicemail for Not at the Dinner Table until January 1st. The number is 386-951-3320.