Childish Gambino says forget revenge, prove them wrong

Want to watch Childish Gambino perform Shadows in Studio Q? Continue to the bottom of this post.
Jian speaks to Childish Gambino -- the rap moniker used by Community and Girls actor Donald Glover -- about his latest album, Because the Internet, his sometimes tense relationship with social media, and how his personal take on the world has changed over the years.
In a wide-ranging chat, Glover -- who is currently in Toronto for The Deep Web Tour -- shares why he's stopped caring so much about what other people think, how it felt to retire his popular Troy Barnes character onCommunity, and what he was thinking when he posted some somber notes on Instagram.
- QTV: Comedic Triple-Threat Donald Glover in Studio Q (2011 interview)
"If it gives somebody else the feeling of 'we're all kind of lost here and it's ok' then I'm cool with that," he said of the posts.
'I'm not vengeful, I'm salty'
There are too many "bullies" in the world trying to define others and put down their ideas, says Glover. He admits he's taken such pressures to heart in the past, but has since learned to trust his own creative instincts and stay grounded.
"I'm not vengeful, I'm salty," he says, explaining that "salty is a different thing because I'm like 'I'm just going to prove you wrong.'"
"A lot of people think they know me and they don't."
Despite being under the weather, Gambino played 'Shadows' live at studio Q for us.