Are Mafia-themed foods in bad taste?

One of the Italy's largest agricultural organizations wants mafia-themed food -- like Al Capone pasta and Chilli Mafia peanuts -- off the menu.
Coldiretti is calling on foreign governments and the European union to stop what they call the "market of horrors" -- that is, food companies using gangsters as gimmicks and glazing over the effects of organized crime.
For insight on the campaign, Jian speaks with Rome-based Telegraph correspondent Nick Squires. He explains the group's arguments and the disconnect between how the mafia is seen in Italy and abroad.
'Gravely offensive'
Squires notes that mafia-themed food, or using the mafia as a marketing tool, may not seem like a big deal overseas -- but, in Italy, real victims of mafia violence have a different take.
The group's message, in a nutshell: "It may all seem very entertaining and harmless to you guys in New York or in London or in Berlin, but actually this is gravely offensive to us."