Why are grown-ups going to sleepaway summer camps?

Roasting marshmallows by the campfire, singing under the stars, sleeping in wooden bunk beds and . . . knocking back shots at an open bar? Adam Tichauer's camp for grown-ups has all the elements of its kiddie counterparts, but with an adult twist.
The Camp No Counselors founder joins Shad to discuss the rise of sleepaway camps for adults, why campers don't talk about their real world jobs, and what kind of people seek nostalgic getaways in the woods.
WEB EXTRA | Campers practice dance routines, play tug of war, toss each other in the air and invent games like human Hungry Hungry Hippos, as seen below.
q: Does the idea of playing like a kid while partying like an adult appeal to you? Do you see the value in reverting back into "carefree kids"?