Let's get 'less stupid' with humourist Patricia Marx
The New Yorker's Patricia Marx is trying hard not to lose her mind. She shares her tips for a better brain in Let's Be Less Stupid.

If you wanted to train your brain, how would you go about it?
Patricia Marx has come up with her own regimen. Worried about the slow decline of her mental agility, the writer and humourist immersed herself in the world of brain-enhancing behaviour and exercises. She chronicles her journey toward a better brain in her new book Let's Be Less Stupid.
Marx joins Shad to share what we can do to ward off cognitive wear and tear, and why she thinks our brains have too much on their minds.
WEB EXTRA | Commence your own training with some trivia. How many of these seven questions, taken from a longer quiz in Marx's book, can you get right?