Because News

Who said it: Drake or Anne of Green Gables?

A certain little red-headed girl was droppin’ sappy prose a hundred years before Drake’s hotline ever blinged.

This week, Drake dropped two songs as a teaser to his hotly-anticipated new album, Views From the 6. The album is a heartfelt reference to his hometown of Toronto and takes its name from the city's 416 area code.

It's no surprise because Drake is a pioneer of "sentimental rap." But in a country renowned for its sap, is Drake the syrupiest of all?

It's hard to say, because there's a certain little red-headed girl who was droppin' sappy prose a hundred years before Drake's hotline ever blinged.

This week, the Because News panel play the game Who Said It: Drake or Anne of Green GablesRoll-up your puffed sleeves, Canada, and see how you do on our quiz. 

1. "When all is said and done / more is always said than done."

Drake or Anne?

* click or scroll over for the answer.

2. "Do you suppose that it could be / the wounds of a tragic destiny / dripping from a bloodstained family tree?"

Drake or Anne?

3. "That's the worst of growing up and I'm beginning to realize it / The things you wanted so much when you were a child don't seem half so wonderful when you get them."

Drake or Anne?

4. "Jealousy is just love and hate at the same time."

Drake or Anne?

5. "My life is a perfect graveyard of buried hopes."

Drake or Anne?

6. "Sweat pants, hair tied, chillin' with no make-up on / That's when you're the prettiest, I hope that you don't take it wrong."

Drake or Anne?

To hear if these questions stumped our panel, click on the audio above to hear how our panel fared. And stay tuned for Megan Follows' new rap album, "Started from the Gables."

Hashtag Game!

We love supporting our homegrown talent, but that doesn't stop us from making up our own. This week's hashtag game is #CanuckARapper. Take an existing rapper and make them Canadian. Play along with our panelists on Twitter for a chance to make our top ten list.

Update - Below are the ten best #CanuckARapper tweets.