An adventurous Canadian gets up close and personal...with a volcano
A recent video shows just how frighteningly close George Kourounis actually got to a burbling volcano. Last month the adventurer walked right up to the boiling lava inside the crater of the Marum volcano in Vanuatu, in the South Pacific. He was wearing a special protective suit as he approached the lava....
A recent video shows just how frighteningly close George Kourounis actually got to a burbling volcano. Last month the adventurer walked right up to the boiling lava inside the crater of the Marum volcano in Vanuatu, in the South Pacific. He was wearing a special protective suit as he approached the lava.
In our interview, Carol admits that when she watched his volcano video she had to close her eyes because it was so alarming to think that he was really there.
Kourounis replies: "When I look at the video now, it doesn't even look real to me. So many people comment on it saying: "oh it looks fake", and even I think it looks fake -- and I was there and I know it's real!"
Mr. Kourounis, an adventurer and explorer, has also recently become the first person to walk on the bottom of a flaming gas crater in Turkmenistan.
George Kourounis walking inside a gas crater in Turkmenistan [PHOTO: George Kourounis]