P.E.I. gardeners asked to donate 'a row' to food bank
'Once they start, you can't eat them fast enough and it's a shame to see them go to waste'

The Island Waste Management Corporation is using a social media campaign to urge home gardeners on P.E.I. to donate a row of their vegetables to their local food bank.
People are asked to send a photo of the row they're donating or of some produce they plan to give to the corporation's Facebook page.
It's a great way for Island Waste Management customers to give back to the community and reduce the amount material going into the green carts at the same time, according to CEO Gerry Moore.
Don't let them spoil — take them into the local food bank and they will be distributed to people that can use the produce.- Gerry Moore
"During this time of year, some people have extra vegetables that they are unable to preserve or consume as quick as they are growing," said Moore.
"Don't let them spoil — take them into the local food bank and they will be distributed to people that can use the produce."

Moore said a few photos have come in but more are expected as the harvest season gets underway.
This isn't the first year the corporation has worked with Island food banks on the "plant a row-grow a row" program.
More said the amount of fresh produce that has come in to the food banks in past years "has been significant."
Once all the photos come in, they'll be displayed on the corporation website as a testament to the kindness of Islanders with green thumbs.
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