Angela Walker
Latest from Angela Walker

P.E.I. cabinet approves $12.5M in special warrants for Health PEI
The P.E.I. cabinet has approved more than $12.5 million dollars in special warrants to Health PEI.
Canada -PEI |

P.E.I. gardeners asked to donate 'a row' to food bank
The Island Waste Management Corporation is using a social media campaign to urge home gardeners on P.E.I. to donate a row of their vegetables to their local food bank.
Canada -PEI |

Charlottetown police warn about misuse of over-the-counter meds
Charlottetown police are reminding drivers that misuse of some over-the-counter medications can lead to impaired driving.
Canada -PEI |

Warm, sunny summer proves good news for P.E.I. wineries
P.E.I.'s hot, dry summer may spell problems for some crops, but local wineries say it's a boon for grapes.
Canada -PEI |

Council of Canadians questions motive behind $1M donation to QEH
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital should not accept a recent $1-million donation by Irving-owned Cavendish Farms, says the P.E.I. chapter of the Council of Canadians.
Canada -PEI |
P.E.I. underdog team wins gold at national softball championship
A P.E.I. softball team came back from a three-game loss to win a gold medal in their division at the Under 14 Canadian National Softball Championships in Winnipeg on the weekend.
Canada -PEI |

New initiative designed to boost yields and profits for P.E.I. process growers
The P.E.I. Potato Board, the province, Cavendish Farms and its process growers have all teamed up for a new three year initiative designed to increase yields and profits.
Canada -PEI |
Volunteers help track a major forest pest, the budworm
Twenty-five volunteers across P.E.I. are trapping and collecting spruce budworm moths this summer as part of the budworm tracker program.
Canada -PEI |

Meadowvale, P.E.I., mobile home park under boil water advisory
A boil water advisory is in place for residents of the Meadowvale mobile home park in Miltonvale Park, affecting 150 homes.
Canada -PEI |

Quebec food allergy case an important reminder for P.E.I. restaurants
The case of a Quebec waiter arrested after serving salmon tartare to a man with a severe seafood allergy serves as an important reminder for those in the industry, says a Charlottetown restaurant owner and past president of Restaurants Canada.
Canada -PEI |