Warmer than expected temperatures overnight led to rain instead of freezing rain. Good news, right? That depends on whether any buses passing through ponds doused you on the way to work today, we suppose.
But hey, at least there wasn't an ice storm
CBC News ·
Ottawa soaked by slushy misery
9 years ago
Duration 0:25
Here's a sample of what Ottawa looked like on Thursday after a messy, wet mix of weather.
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Temperatures overnight were too high for the ice storm Environment Canada had been predicting.
Instead, Ottawa got a lot of rain.
Here's what it looked like this morning in the nation's capital.
Pretty wet out there, folks.
Don't bother getting your vehicle washed for a few days. This was the scene on Colonel By Drive at the Bank Street Bridge early Thursday morning. (Giacomo Panico/CBC)
Let's see that in live action, shall we?
Video of flooded Colonel By at Bank St <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/otttraffic?src=hash">#otttraffic</a> <a href="https://t.co/Z2iR8aIwtd">pic.twitter.com/Z2iR8aIwtd</a>
Trying to clear Colonel By Drive in rush hour traffic does not look like a fun job. (Giacomo Panico/CBC)
Yikes. (Giacomo Panico/CBC)
Image: CBC (CBC)
We don't know what these two people are saying to each other, but we imagine it went something like: "Well, Jim, I really don't know what else we can do here." "Indeed. Our efforts this morning appear to have been fruitless." (Irene Gyurcsak/Facebook)
Easy does it. (Irene Gyurcsak/Facebook)
Several stretches of road needed to be closed Thursday morning to allow workers to clear storm drains and plow build-up of snow and ice. (CBC News)
Take it easy out there, drivers. (CBC News)
Anyone about to walk this stretch of sidewalk should check for traffic first. (CBC News)
Andi White, walking her buddies Tyson and Mitch, said sidewalk traction was actually better where no plowing was done. (Giacomo Panico/CBC)
This Good Samaritan looks poised to try clearing some storm drains in Old Ottawa South. Nice work! (Giacomo Panico/CBC)
Watch out for all the puddles, friends. (Giacomo Panico/CBC)
A slushy lake forced crews to close the Highway 417 eastbound onramp at the Vanier Parkway overnight. (Giacomo Panico/CBC)