Freezer full of rotting game meat and pelts found at Ross River dump
A bear hide, a lynx carcass and three lake trout were among the decomposed contents. Conservation officers are asking the public for information.
Conservation officers asking public for any information about the illegal wastage

Yukon conservation officers are asking the public for any information about a freezer found at the Ross River landfill earlier this month.
The freezer contained animal pelts, wild game meat and fish. Under Yukon's Wildlife Act, it is illegal to waste wild meat, or pelts from fur-bearing animals.
In all, the unit contained:
- a lynx carcass
- pelts from a wolverine and a fox
- two marten, pelt and carcass
- a black bear hide
- three lake trout
- three bags of wild meat
Conservation officers say all of the items were severely decomposed. They believe the freezer was dumped sometime last month.
Officers found more wasted meat last month near Whitehorse. Two hundred kilograms of spoiled bison meat was retrieved by officers near the Takhini River bridge.