Full bison butchered, dumped on the banks of a Yukon river
Remains of nearly an entire bison found abandoned near Takhini River bridge

Conservation officers in Yukon are trying to figure out why a properly butchered bison was dumped and left to waste on the banks of a Yukon river.
On April 24, more than 200 kilograms of spoiled meat was retrieved by officers near the Takhini River bridge: four quarters, ribs, brisket, pelvis and neck meat were discovered.
"We're just trying to find answers why a considerable amount of bison meat was properly taken care of from the field and was allowed to be discarded on the banks of the river," said conservation officer Adam Henderson.

"That's just the puzzling piece to this story."
Henderson says abandoning wild meat is a serious offence under the Wildlife Act, which could result in a hunting licence suspension and fines.
It's unclear whether the animal was harvested legally or illegally. The deadline for harvesting bison closed March 31.
Conservation officers suspect the meat was dumped from a vehicle parked on shore between April 23 and April 24.
Unique situation
"It's definitely not something that happens on a regular basis in the Yukon," Henderson said.
"We have a lot of good outdoorsmen out there that take pride in harvesting animals and feeding their families.
"A situation like this is very unique in itself, especially being a full bison that was essentially wasted on the side of the river banks of the Takhini River," he said.

Conservation officers are asking anyone with information to call their Turn In Poachers and Polluters line, 1-800-661-0525.
"If anybody knows anything about the incident, saw vehicles or persons in the area April 23 or April 24, please feel free to call us," Henderson said.