Prosecutor attempts to piece together post-attack timeline at Denecho King trial
3 brothers from Behchoko who were with King in the hours after the attack testified in court Tuesday

Three brothers from Behchoko, N.W.T., who were with Denecho King shortly after John Wifladt was fatally attacked, testified in court Tuesday.
King, 25, is facing a trial by judge alone for charges of second-degree murder, attempted murder and aggravated assault. It's in connection to the death of Wifladt and the serious injury of Colin Digness.
Eric Eronchie, Calem Lafferty and Donovan Eronchie were in Yellowknife for a night of drinking when they ran into King, Eric told the court.
The Crown prosecutor started Tuesday off by showing another video tracking King's whereabouts on Dec. 14, 2014 — the day Wifladt died.
On Monday, they showed video footage of King at the Northern Lites Motel just after 5 a.m. on Dec. 14. The motel clerk testified King told him about a fight he was in, and the Crown now says they believe the swinging motions King made with his arms in the video is a re-enactment of what happened to Wifladt and Digness the day they were attacked.
Wifladt later died of his injuries.
- Video footage tracks Denecho King on day victim died, as trial enters 2nd week
- Survivor says he has no memory of alleged attack as Denecho King trial continues
Tuesday's video shows where King was shortly after being at the motel.
He's seen walking into the Mac's Convenience Store on Forrest Drive with Eric and Calem at about 5:30 a.m.
They purchase a few things and then walk out shortly after.
All three brothers testified they hung out with King at the Northern Lites Motel that morning.
However, none of them remembers much about what King told them because they were heavily intoxicated.
When cross-examined by the defence, however, Eric said he remembered seeing blood on King's right arm.
The court heard that Eric later gave police a statement after the encounter with King, in which he told an officer that King's right arm was "soaked" in blood and that the blood was "pouring" off his sleeve and down his wrist.
When the officer asked him again which arm it was, Eric told him he wasn't sure now whether it was King's right or left arm.
The defence also showed Eric the convenience store video again, asking if he could see that King's right arm appeared to be red from the elbow down. Eric agreed it seemed to be red.
Eric also testified that his brother wore King's shoes back to Behchoko after they left the motel. He said the police took the shoes when they came to get statements from the brothers.
That brother, Donovan, testified he had no shoes, so he took a pair of red and white ones he saw in the motel room.
Donovan said police later took the shoes from him and put them in a bag.
The Crown said the video shown Tuesday is a way to track King's activities on the day of the murder.
The trial continues Wednesday.