Kirsten Fenn
Kirsten Fenn is a Digital Associate Producer with CBC Radio's The Current. Reach her at kirsten.fenn@cbc.ca or @KirstenFenn on Twitter.
Latest from Kirsten Fenn

Colville Lake one step closer to finalizing caribou conservation plan
The Sahtú Renewable Resources Board has given Colville Lake, N.W.T., a seal of approval to move forward with its community-based caribou conservation plan.
News -Canada -North |

Crust? Who needs crust? This crowberry pie is delectable on its own
Vivi Alves, from Kugluktuk, shares her recipe for this homemade treat made with berries hand-picked in Nunavut.
News -Canada -North |
Hey Bruno: Why Yellowknife musician Carmen Braden wrote an ode to a local pizza joint
It could easily be interpreted as a love song. But a rocking tune that Carmen Braden plans to perform at NACC this weekend — called Hey Bruno — is, at its heart, an ode to none other than a Yellowknife staple: Bruno’s Pizza.
News -Canada -North |

'Everything was perfect': Rookie golfer sinks hole-in-one at Inuvik course
If you were at the Roads End Golf Club in Inuvik, N.W.T., last week, you may have heard quite the commotion. That’s because a man from Paulatuk scored a hole-in-one.
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'I'm leaving a legacy': 1st translator completes stories for Indigenous archives project
Three years and countless hours of audio material later, Bertha Catholique is the first of 17 people to finish translating stories in her language for the CBC’s Indigenous languages archives project.
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One woman, one tuba: Yellowknifer on quest to reunite with favourite instrument amid pandemic
It’s been about a decade since Yellowknifer Chrissie Carrigan picked up the tuba. But with the pandemic raging on, she’s on the hunt to be reunited with the instrument again.
News -Canada -North |
As N.W.T.'s 1st privacy commissioner retires, she says public must hold gov't accountable
After two decades serving as Nunavut and the Northwest Territories’ information and privacy commissioner, Elaine Keenan Bengts will be hanging up her hat and trading in her day job for retirement.
News -Canada -North |

'Time is against us': Relatives of Kingston plane crash victims in race to attend funeral
A funeral service is scheduled for Friday in Toronto for the seven people killed in last week's plane crash in Kingston, Ont. But several immediate family members living in Uzbekistan were still making travel arrangements to Canada on Thursday.
News -Canada -Toronto |
'It's kind of my first language': How 2 women are using art and film to heal
Lana Whiskeyjack and Beth Wishart MacKenzie’s art and film installation pikiskwe-speak is at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre in Yellowknife until early November. It explores the legacy of residential schools, and reconciliation.
News -Canada -North |

How a former councillor's election campaign inspired Rebecca Alty to enter politics
Yellowknife’s new mayor, Rebecca Alty, officially takes office on Nov. 5. As she prepares for the work ahead, she reflects on how an opportunity to run someone else’s election campaign sparked her career in city politics.
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