St. Anthony man dies on shrimp vessel
Kasheshuk II arrived in Bay Roberts Saturday morning

A man from the Northern Peninsula has died on a shrimp vessel returning to eastern Newfoundland.
The RCMP said Saturday morning that its officers were investigating a death at sea on board the Katsheshuk II. Police said a 25-year-old man, originally from St. Anthony, died after he was hit by a steel door.
The Katsheshuk II, was returning to Harbour Grace Friday when the crewmember died around 8 p.m., according to Martin Sullivan, president of Katsheshuk Fisheries Ltd.
"Our condolences go out to the family of our employee," said Sullivan, in a news release.
"This incident is a tragic one. The company will cooperate fully with officials in an investigation of the accident."
The name of the victim has not been released. There were 22 crew on board.
Katsheshuk Fisheries is a partnership between Ocean Choice and the Innu Nation, through Innu Development Limited Partnership.
All regulatory bodies have been notified including Transport Canada, the Transportation Safety Board, according to Katsheshuk Fisheries.
The trawler left Harbour Grace on January 26, 2012 to fish for shrimp and was on its way back to port when the death happened.
It arrived in Bay Roberts Saturday morning at about 9 a.m.