Shuttle launch prompts N.L. mariner warning

Mariners who work off southern Newfoundland are accustomed to numerous advisories, but one issued Thursday was somewhat unusual.
The scheduled launch Friday afternoon of the space shuttle Endeavour prompted a Canadian Coast Guard warning to mariners who will be south of Newfoundland's Avalon Peninsula at the time.
The warning said that shuttle's trajectory will take it over the Grand Banks, coming within about 50 kilometres of Cape Race, near the most southerly part of Newfoundland.
"Mariners are advised to exercise caution in the area during this period," the coast guard's warning said.
The statement did not elaborate on potential risks that Endeavour's flight might cause, such as whether discarded boosters and other parts of the propulsion system might land.
Endeavour is scheduled to lift off at 17:17 p.m. NT.
Endeavour's mission, its last, is expected to last 14 days.