Seal carpaccio, rack of seal at sealer monument fundraiser
Five of Newfoundland and Labrador's top chefs set out to change seal meat's culinary reputation last night.
The Home From The Sea Foundation, which is raising money for a sealers’ memorial monument on the Bonavista Peninsula, served seal carpaccio, seal ravioli and racks of smoked seal at the "Seal of Approval Dinner."
The $250-per-plate fundraiser at the Quidi Vidi Brewery in St. John's offered fine dining but chef Todd Perrin said anyone can prepare seal in their own kitchen.
"Be inventive, be creative, and think about it in a different way. You just don't have to fire it in a pan and put salt and pepper on it. Think of it, instead of filet mignon, think of seal loin," he said
For more about the Home From The Sea campaign that aims to build a monument in Elliston go to: