Remainder of Newfoundland salmon season will be catch and release only, DFO says
Assessment for Labrador rivers still scheduled for July 24

Salmon anglers in Newfoundland will be allowed to catch and release only for the remainder of the season.
The Department of Fisheries and Oceans on Thursday announced it has accepted the recommendation of its scientists released yesterday, to end its one-salmon retention policy.
The catch and release rules will be effective as of one hour after sundown on July 20.
On Wednesday, scientists released their mid-season update for Atlantic salmon stocks across Newfoundland, advising they were concerned about the state of the stocks and stating it was in a decline.
Their findings suggested that around 54 per cent of the assessed rivers will be below their recent five-year mean for a third year in a row.
Meanwhile, an in-season review for Labrador rivers is scheduled for July 24. An announcement on the management of those sites will follow, but until anglers hear otherwise, will remain as-is until Aug. 3.
Catch and release limits for Newfoundland will remain at three salmon per day.
- DFO issued updated information, stating that the change to catch and release only would not come into effect until one hour after sundown July 20. An earlier version of the story said it would be effective immediately.Jul 19, 2018 11:48 AM EDT