Ron Hynes death: social media reacts to the loss of a legend

News that singer-songwriter Ron Hynes, known as the man of a thousand songs, died on Thursday led to an outpouring of memories and condolences from fans, friends and family.
Nowhere was this seen more than on social media, where thousands of tweets and posts flooded the internet in the hours after friends confirmed the passing of the Newfoundland musical icon.
Below is just some of what people had to say:
RIP & Godspeed Ron Hynes. The Poet Laureate of Newfoundland and Labrador, the man of a thousand songs has died.
Heartbroken Ron Hynes has died. NL legend, Canada's best songwriter and family friend. Many memories of dancing and singing along. So sad.
Sad to hear of the passing of Ron Hynes. Was fortunate enough to see him play this summer. Mom used to sing Sonny's Dream to me growing up.
"If you have a request, just jot it down on a 50 dollar bill and bring it up to the stage and we'll be happy to play it for you" Ron Hynes
"What the hell! I'm going 30 for 60. Let the night swell. Somebody fix me a single malt whiskey." Ron Hynes <a href=""></a>
I got this picture of Ron Hynes July 27, 2014 in Ferryland at Shamrock Festival <a href="">#RIPRonHynes</a> <a href="">#ManOf1000Songs</a> <a href=""></a>
"We've had our share of history..." Thankful for Ron Hynes rich musical history here in Newfoundland <a href=""></a> <a href="">#RonHynes</a>
First inkling I had that you could make art and be from Newfoundland was Wonderful Grand Band's "Living in a Fog". RIP Ron Hynes.
"In a world of romance, don't miss out on the chance, to be dancing the St. John's Waltz" <a href=""></a> <a href="">#ronhynes</a> <a href="">#godspeed</a>
One of my best memories. Snowstorm in St Johns. Ron Hynes & hardly anyone else in bar. If you can find his "A Small Dog Is Lost" song, do.
Fellow mainlanders, when I moved here a great friend of mine told me: “Think of Ron as Newfoundland’s Bob Dylan” <a href=""></a>
Rest In Peace, Ron Hynes. His life's work is the soundtrack of the history of our people.
More then any other artist I know, Ron Hynes was always true to himself and his music. We are less for his passing.
The harbor lights have all gone out, and Ron Hynes has passed away. <a href=""></a>
Remembering Ron Hynes. A storyteller whose contribution to the arts community, our ppl and our province will live on. Rest in peace.
It's awfully dark around the Ron Hynes statue downtown tonight <a href="">#cbcnl</a> <a href=""></a>
Ron Hynes was our poet. He wrote songs that told the story of who Newfoundlanders were, are, and becoming. This is such a loss. RIP.
Sorry to see you go, Ron. <a href=""></a>
So saddened to hear NL icon Ron Hynes has passed. RIP Ron
I once rubbed Ron's statue (Bronze Hynes) and immediately found $20 on George Street. Rub Ron for luck <a href="">#RonHynes</a> <a href="">#RIPRonHynes</a>
<a href="">@CBCNL</a> No change in me. Any NLer who has spent time away from home can certainly relate. You can't live for free. <a href=""></a>
CBC Newfoundland and Labrador asked followers on Twitter what their favourite Ron Hynes song was.
Here is some of what people had to say:
<a href="">@CBCNL</a> definitely "My Old Man". Sad to hear of his passing; going to miss seeing <a href="">#RonHynes</a> around town and chatting with him <a href="">#truesonofNL</a>
<a href="">@CBCNL</a> Sonny's Dream was a favourite in my house growing up. Makes me think of Mom every time I hear it. RIP Mom and Ron
<a href="">@CBCNL</a> you didn't grow up in NL if you didn't have your family sing Sonny's Dream <a href="">#ripRonHynes</a>
<a href="">@CBCNL</a> Dark River, has always reminded me of the little place where I spent my summers as a teenager, makes me cry every time I listen to it
<a href="">@CBCNL</a> my 12 yr old would say A Good Dog is Lost- she loved Ron's music. I would say Atlantic Blue and God speed
<a href="">@CBCNL</a> Sonny's Dream has been with me since childhood, what <a href="">#Newfoundlander</a> doesn't know that one? <a href="">#manofathousandsongs</a> RIP
<a href="">@CBCNL</a> life is short, so go for it.. "30 for 60"
<a href="">@CBCNL</a> St. John's Waltz is my absolute favourite. I get a lump in my throat every time I hear it, including tonight! 😢
<a href="">@CBCNL</a> <a href="">#ronhynes</a> Sonnys dream. My sister Mary sang this to my son Andrew when his dad was away working at sea. Rip Ron.