Polar bear roaming around St. Lunaire-Griquet

"He just went on his merry way."

Roxanne Peyton says bears are common this time of year

Roxanne Peyton managed to snap a picture as the bear wandered outside her home. (Roxanne Peyton/Facebook)

A polar bear roaming outside her home in St. Lunaire-Griquet at around 7 a.m. is how Roxanne Peyton's day started Tuesday.

She grabbed her phone to capture what she thinks is a 300-pound bear on video. 

"They are usually around this time of year, when the ice comes in we usually see them," Peyton said, referring to the Northern Peninsula community.

Kevin Roberts, who lives close to Peyton, snapped this picture of the polar bear tracks. (Kevin Roberts/facebook)

Peyton said spotting the creature is not all that uncommon in her community.

"When you live by the ocean you expect to see a polar bear passing through. Especially when the ice flow comes from the north," she said.

Peyton said shortly after she snapped a picture and recorded a short video, the bear left.

"He just went on his merry way," she said. 

Warnings to keep some distance

Officials with the town of St. Anthony, located 28 kilometres away, quickly sent out a media release asking residents to be careful. 

Anyone who spots a polar bear is asked to contact the local forestry office in Roddickton at (709) 457-7243.

The Department of Fisheries and Land Resources advises people that if the bear has seen or smelled you:

  • Remain calm;
  • Give the bear space and a route to get away;
  • Back away, get out of the situation, never run;
  • If you must speak, do so calmly and firmly; and
  • Avoid direct eye contact with the bear.