Catch 'em up!: N.L.'s recreational ground fishery opening July 2
Limit of 5 fish per day staying in place for 2022 season

Newfoundland and Labrador's recreational ground fishery will open July 2, according to federal Fisheries Minister Joyce Murray.
The season will last 39 days, as it did in 2021, running every Saturday, Sunday and Monday from the opening date until Sept. 5. It will then reopen from Sept. 24 to season's end on Oct. 2, says the Department of Fisheries and Oceans.
The rules for this year's fishery closely follow last season's rules. Fishers will be allowed a daily limit of five groundfish per day, along with a maximum boat limit of 15 fish per day when three or more people are fishing together.
There is no requirement for licences or tags, and the recreational fishery is open to residents and non-residents.
Additionally, persons with disabilities can continue to designate an individual to catch their daily limit of groundfish for them. Designations will need to be monitored by DFO, and a designation form should be available to the public early next week.