Nicholas Layman to undergo further psychiatric assessment
Charged with attemtped murder in Topsail stabbing

The teenager accused of stabbing a young boy at a soccer field in Topsail last week has been remanded into custody to undergo further psychiatric assessment.
- Topsail stabbing: Nicholas Layman, 19, charged with attempted murder
- Topsail soccer stabbing victim now conscious, talking
Nicholas Layman, 19, was charged with aggravated assault, assault with a weapon and attempted murder in relation to the incident on Sept. 25.
At a court appearance on Friday, Layman was sent for a 30-day extension of his psychiatric assessment at the Waterford Hospital, a psychiatric hospital in the west end of St. John's.
An 11-year-old by was stabbed in the neck in an apparently random attack. He is reported to be recovering well in a St. John's hospital.
When a judge asked Layman if he understood he was going back to the Waterford Hospital, Layman replied, "Yeah, I think so. I do now."
Layman was originally sent for a brief psychiatric assessment following an initial court appearance last Friday.
However, a doctor was unable to determine if Layman was fit to stand trial, and he was sent for a seven-day assessment.
Layman is due to appear in court on Oct. 31.