Mine inquiry wants documents from Vale, union

A provincial industrial inquiry into a protracted strike at a nickel mine in Labrador has ordered workers and the mine owners to give it documents outlining their bargaining efforts.

A provincial industrial inquiry into a protracted strike at a nickel mine in Labrador has ordered workers and the mine owners to give it documents outlining their bargaining efforts.

The chair of the inquiry, appointed by Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Danny Williams, issued a news release Tuesday.

Lawyer John Roil said the inquiry has given Brazilian mining giant Vale and the United Steelworkers Union a week to produce those documents.

The strike at the nickel mine near Voisey's Bay, Labrador, began in August 2009.

The inquiry was ordered after talks to achieve a new contract for workers broke of repeatedly.

The industrial inquiry cannot compel the two sides to reach a deal, but Williams has acknowledged that such inquiries can make public details that could be embarrassing for both sides.

Roil said the Inquiry will travel to Labrador, and the commission members will also meet with Vale and union officials.

Lawyers Randell Earle and Brian Gatien are also members of the inquiry.