Liberals, NDP to filibuster on Muskrat Falls

MHAs could be putting in some long hours at the legislature this week, as opposition parties are threatening another filibuster.
To make Muskrat Falls happen, the government has to pass legislation during this sitting of the house of assembly.
But both Liberal Leader Dwight Ball and NDP Leader Lorraine Michael are vowing to slow down those bills.
"I'll have no problems with filibustering with this," Michael said. "We have to bring out the points that we want to bring out, and that'll be the only time we'll be able to do it."
Ball said his party will also try to draw out the debate.
"On Bill 29, we showed that the Liberal Party is quite open to filibustering," he said. "When we see the issue, when we see an opportunity to make legislation better, and when we have problems with existing legislation, we will do that."
The full interview with Ball and Michael will air on CBC-TV tonight during On Point with David Cochrane at 7:30 in Newfoundland, 7:00 in most of Labrador.