House of Assembly votes for all-party mental health committee

A private motion from the Newfoundland and Labrador NDP for an all-party committee on mental health passed unanimously in the House of Assembly on Wednesday.

"This motion is about battling the cynical motion out there about what politics is, about what our legislature is about. This motion is about daring to dream that we can do the work of the people of Newfoundland and Labrador," said Rogers.
"Imagine if we'd all said yes and worked together."
By the end of Rogers' speech, Health Minister Steve Kent did say yes, along with the rest of the members from all three political parties.
"Mental health is my number one priority as the health minister," said Kent. "We need to make the system better and I think we can do it by working together."
Imagine if we'd all said yes and worked together- Gerry Rogers, NDP MHA St. John's Centre
On Twitter, NDP Leader Lorraine Michael called the 100 per cent approval "unprecedented."
"As a leader, sometimes you have to have the courage to change your mind," Kent said to followers on Twitter. "Today's debate was about process. We all agree on need for change."
A newly-formed group dedicated to improving mental health services had petitioned for all three parties to take a united-front approach to tackling mental health issues.
Rogers brought the motion forward on behalf of Community Coalition 4 Mental Health.