Painting the town red, and every other colour, celebrating Holi in Corner Brook
'By putting colours, it means there is no difference of religion, caste, colour or race,' says Ramjeet Kumar
Last week saw the festival of Holi celebrated in the streets of Corner Brook for the first time.
The festivities took place Wednesday at Memorial University's Grenfell campus and were open to the public. Students and members of the general community mingled to celebrate one of the most popular festivals in Hinduism, throwing multicoloured powdered pigments on each other under the March sun while music played over loudspeakers.
Ramjeet Kumar came to Corner Brook from India on a work permit in November, while his wife studies at Grenfell Campus. Fully caked in powdered paint, he didn't hesitate to express the significance Holi holds for him.
"Through this, we are connected to our roots," said Kumar.
The practice of smearing loved ones in multicoloured paint is more than just good fun, explained Kumar. There is a deeper meaning.
"By putting colours, it means there is no difference of religion, caste, colour or race," he said.

During Holi, people of all backgrounds and social standings are free to celebrate together. Everyone is fair game for playful splashing of colour and water. During the festivities, even the most devout followers of Hinduism are known to let loose.
"Everyone is equal when you put colour on others," said Kumar. "You can say it's a festival of equality."
Kumar is used to celebrating Holi in India, where March temperatures can reach 30 C, a far cry from Corner Brook, where the temperatures are still freezing through the month. Dressed in complimentary white T-shirts, people eschewed the traditional water splashing.
After the event — which was organized, planned and delivered by Grenfell Campus International Student Services — there were Indian snacks, tea and coffee served in the Forest Centre's atrium.
International students programmer Angela Gomez, originally from Colombia, found herself celebrating Holi for the first time. From her role as a co-ordinator of events from many different cultures, Gomez said planning the Holi celebration was an opportunity for her to learn about another culture.
"I'm not sure if there are other things people do," said Gomez. "From what the students told me, this is OK."
Gomez cited the sizable population of students from India as the reason to host a Holi celebration.
"I think it went pretty well. I think we had a good turnout, so I'm happy."
Former Grenfell student Tanay Bhushan Sarkar of Bangladesh came back to the school to take part in Holi, something he didn't get to do while studying there.
"I'm very happy to see that this has started here also," Sarkar said.
Far from the country he grew up in, Sarkar said the celebration of a familiar festival brought him comfort.
"It seems to me that it's a home away from home," he said, laughing.