Hey Rosetta!, Yukon Blonde release anti-Harper video
Two bands from opposite ends of the country have released a song urging Canadians to vote for parties other than the governing Conservatives.
Hey Rosetta! and Yukon Blonde teamed up to perform Land You Love with a plea to "vote to avoid another tragic Harper government."
"What have we lost, poisoned, or crushed?" sings Hey Rosetta! leader Tim Baker, who wrote the song, against a dark backdrop in the video's opening seconds.
The video eventually reveals the St. John's band as well as B.C.'s Yukon Blonde performing the song, while holding signs with political statements.
In the video's final seconds, Hey Rosetta! cellist Romesh Thavanathan holds a sign saying "Anything But Conservative," an echo of so-called ABC campaign that then-Newfoundland and Labrador premier Danny Williams launched in 2008.