Stove oil jumps 28.51 cents a litre in Labrador in unexpected adjustment
Home heating and diesel fuels have jumped in Newfoundland and Labrador after an unscheduled price adjustment by the Public Utilities Board on Friday.
Diesel up by 8.6 cents a litre

Home heating and diesel fuels have jumped in Newfoundland and Labrador after an unscheduled price adjustment by the Public Utilities Board on Friday.
Stove oil is up by 28.51 cents a litre in Labrador, while stove oil in Newfoundland and furnace oil throughout the province climbed by 7.42 cents a litre.
A litre of diesel is up by 8.6 cents, putting the price at $2.07 on the Avalon Peninsula, $2.095 in central Newfoundland, $2.086 in Stephenville and $2.161 in Churchill Falls.
The price of gasoline was unchanged.
The following chart shows how gas prices have changed recently at Newfoundland and Labrador retailers, as reported by users of the website.