Former provincial Tory cabinet minister weighs in on Yvonne Jones
A former provincial Tory cabinet minister comments on Yvonne Jones' decision to seek the federal Liberal nomination in Labrador, calling Jones a 'formidable' opponent.

A former provincial Tory cabinet minister is weighing in on Yvonne Jones' decision to seek the federal Liberal nomination in Labrador.
Shawn Skinner is one of the panelists on Saturday's edition of On Point with David Cochrane.
Skinner considers Jones to be a formidable opponent.
"She has performed well in the house of assembly, she has represented her constituents in Labrador well, she's a hard-working individual, she's going to be formidable," said Skinner.
Jones, currently a Labrador MHA, made the announcement Friday morning on the heels of Peter Penashue's resignation from the House of Commons and his federal cabinet portfolio.
On Point can be viewed on CBC Television at 7:30 p.m. Newfoundland time, 7:00 p.m. in most parts of Labrador.