'For the hill of it': 79-year-old runner conquers Cape to Cabot, again
Caroline McIllroy and Mark Greene win strenuous 20km St. John's road race

More than 500 people with more desire and determination than most used a sunny, fall Sunday in St. John's to run the rolling hills between two of this province's most historic sites, Cape Spear and Cabot Tower.
The 20 kilometre road race is a bucket list item for runners and considered by many to be one of the most challenging –and scenic – in all of North America.
"Anybody that does this race certainly has a lot to be proud of," race director Guy Beazley said Sunday.
"Nothing is easy."

Only three out of the 20 kilometres are flat, the rest consists of four major climbs including the home stretch – running up the winding road that leads to Parks Canada's Cabot Tower atop Signal Hill.
On Sunday Caroline McIllroy and Mark Green were the top female and male finishers posting times of 1:27:08 and 1:16:23 respectively.
Joanne Taylor is running up and down the hill pushing runners, like Joe Ryan, to make it to the finish line <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/CapeToCabot2017?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#CapeToCabot2017</a> <a href="https://t.co/Xnn0wyxISm">pic.twitter.com/Xnn0wyxISm</a>
Fans clapped, cheered and held up signs encouraging those brave enough to lace up and run the race.
At the finish line, 2:06:58 into the race, a small runner crossed the finish line to big applause. At 79-years-old, and running her fifth Cape to Cabot race, Florence Barron put up a personal best time.
"I was just going to do it for the fun it, the love of it," she said at the finish line.
"For the hill of it."
With her finisher's medal around her neck, Barron had a small receiving line awaiting her to offer hugs, high fives and congratulations. Barron won first female in her division, the 70-99 year-old-category, with five other runners: Bill Saunders, Evan Simpson, Chris Jermyn, Noel Roy, and Rosemarie (Doot) James.
Barron's time on Sunday shows that the soon-to-be octogenarian isn't slowing down and proving the cliché true: age is only a number.
"I attribute it to having good genes," she said.
"I always say if I had good genes I guess I might as well use them."
Barron doesn't love all the attention she gets for doing something she loves, but she said if other people see her doing it and decide to take up the sport that's an added bonus.
"If I inspire people that's wonderful," she said.
"If I motivate them that's a good thing."