Five rural N.L. communities to receive broadband internet access

The provincial government announced on Tuesday that five rural communities will receive broadband internet service as a result of a new round of federal-provincial funding.
Beachside, St. Patrick's, Little Bay, Harry's Harbour, and Jackson's Cove-Langdon's Cove-Silverdale will receive broadband access as part of the third phase of the provincial government's Rural Broadband Initiative.
It was created in 2011 to give incentives to telecommunications carriers to expand broadband access into rural areas.
The province has pledged $251,790 to the project, while the federal government's Connecting Canadians program will provide $503,580.
Bell Aliant will be working with the province to provide broadband internet to these areas.
Christopher Mitchelmore, the province's minister of Business, Tourism, Culture and Rural Development, said he is pleased to see the program expand to more communities.
"Improved internet service makes a significant difference to the prosperity of our rural communities and we are committed to continuing to work together to improve the province's communications capacity."
The province said Tuesday that since the onset of the Rural Broadband Initiative, 98 per cent of the population now has broadband access.