First seat, then baby for MHA Steve Kent

As a politician, winning your seat is about as exciting a night as you can come across, unless of course you are Steve Kent.
Mount Pearl North MHA Steve Kent with his wife Janet and their newborn son Ciaran. (Courtesy Steve Kent )

As a politician, winning your seat is about as exciting a night as you can come across, unless of course you are Steve Kent.

Not only did the Progressive Conservative MHA for the district of Mount Pearl North get re-elected on Tuesday night, hours later he became a father for the second time.

Kent said his wife Janet started feeling contractions on Tuesday afternoon while votes were still being cast in the Newfoundland and Labrador election.

"Late afternoon, my wife Janet thought she may be having contractions. She wasn't sure and they weren't strong so she wasn't too concerned at that point. But by the time the polls closed she was sure she was having contractions and they were in fact closer together," said Kent.

Kent said he quickly shifted his attention to the well-being of his wife and soon-to-be-born child.

"My primary focus was on her and I kept saying to her 'let's go, let's go, let's go to the hospital.'"

But his wife, who was also co-chair for his campaign, said that based on the birth of their first child two years ago, she felt they had lots of time.

Kent said she absolutely insisted that it was not time to leave until the results were all known.

"So we stayed until I was declared and I said a few words to my supporters and at that point I was pretty choked up," said Kent.

"It was a pretty special time, it was quite overwhelming for both of us."

After a brief celebration at his headquarters, Kent said his wife still had other ideas than heading to hospital.

"Janet insisted that we carry on to the Delta even though I felt it was probably time to go to the hospital. But she was sure there was lots of time," said Kent.

After greeting Premier Kathy Dunderdale and listening to her victory speech, Kent was finally given the green light by Janet to take her to the hospital.

Their second child was born at 2:47 a.m. on Wednesday morning and Kent, being an avid participant in social media, posted the news a few hours later on Facebook and Twitter.

"At 2:47 a.m. this morning, Ciaran James Kent was born. 7 lbs., 11.6 ozs. Janet and baby are both doing well. I'm a very lucky man."