Earle McCurdy: NDP government would reverse teaching cuts

NDP Leader Earle McCurdy announced plans Wednesday to reverse teaching cuts and make sure Newfoundland and Labrador meets the recommended ratio for school counsellors and psychologists to students.
"It would be impossible to overstate the importance of a solid education. Children who successfully learn their academics are best placed to move on to make a productive career out of whatever field they choose to go into," said McCurdy.
The announcement would see 77.5 teaching units that were cut in this year's provincial budget restored at a cost of $7 million dollars.
"Of those cuts the greatest impact was on rural schools," he said.
"The increase in class sizes give teachers less time to give children the individual time they need, and this is particularly problematic with children with special needs and complex needs."
According to McCurdy, the cuts have also driven young teachers away from rural communities.
"We can't afford to send our young people away," he said.
"Attracting and retaining our youth is essential to revitalizing our economy and planning for the future when there will be a growing number of seniors."
Reversing the cuts will also result in class sizes returning to averages of 25 for grades 4 to 6, and 27 for grades 7 to 9, says McCurdy.
NDP will hire more school counsellors, psychologists
St. John's Centre candidate Gerry Rogers was also on hand at the event.
She said the party will work to make sure that the recommended ratio of one school counsellor to 250 students, and one school psychologist to 1,000 students is attained.
The party said it will work towards the goal by investing $7 million a year into hiring school counsellors and psychologists.
An additional $500,000 will be invested each year towards what the NDP is calling a "recruiting process" that will help them fully implement the recommended ratio should they receive a second term.
It's a move, says Rogers, that she hopes will give school counsellors more support.
"Because of the lack of resources, our school counsellors and our psychologists can only deal with crises, and they are unable to do the work of prevention and resilience building," said Gerry Rogers.
In a release, the provincial NDP said it will also work towards removing the quota for assessments for school counsellors.
School counsellors are currently required to conduct assessments and diagnose students, while meeting a minimum quota of 15 assessments per year.
The announcements follow an NDP promise to reinstate the tuition freeze for post-secondary students.
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