Dr. Christo Taylor's practice restricted pending recertification

A doctor who pleaded guilty to professional incompetence in the death of a 9-year-old patient had his practice restricted until he gets further training.
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Newfoundland and Labrador (CPSNL) restricted Taylor's practice, after the 2011 death of Kaylie Wheaton, who was in his care.
During a disciplinary hearing this week, there has been no disagreement about the cause of the patient's death.
Wheaton was brought to Western Memorial Regional Hospital in Corner Brook complaining of a cough and an ear ache. She was later sent home with prescribed antibiotic eardrops, and told to return to hospital if she became worse.
Three days later, she returned to emergency and was treated by Dr. Taylor. That evening, she went into spetic shock and died.
Taylor pleaded guilty on Wednesday to missing how critical her condition was and not administering enough intravenous fluid or antibiotics in a timely manner.
The incident was an isolated one in Taylor's otherwise unblemished medical career, but the CPSNL has restricted him from practising in an emergency or intensive care setting until he has been recertified in emergency medicine.
Taylor must also become certified in advance cardiovascular life support and advanced trauma life support.
In addition to the restrictions, Taylor has to pay the $20,000 to cover the cost of the disciplinary hearing.
"What is there to say?" Peter and Sharon Wheaton, Kaylie's parents, told CBC News when asked after the hearing adjourned Thursday if they had anything to say.