Chewbacca prank calls mark couple's first May 4 anniversary

A woman in St. John's played a unique anniversary prank on her Star Wars-loving husband May 4, posting flyers around the city's downtown to get strangers to call him.
Stephanie Clarke says she pleaded with the public to prank call her husband Greg with their best impression of Chewbacca, a character from the classic George Lucas saga.
"This is something that I have seen on the internet, I think on Reddit. Someone was trying to prank their wife because she does not like Star Wars, and they were doing it for an April Fool's joke," said Clarke.
"I love my husband, and he loves Star Wars, and so I was trying to do the same thing, but in an endearing way."
She left instructions on the flyers and posted them around the city, but they quickly made their way to social media.
- Step 1: Call the number
- Step 2: Do your best Chewbacca impression
- Step 3: Hang up
Greg Clarke said the pranksters were quick to dial, with the first one coming in late Saturday night.
"My phone rang, so I let it go to voice mail, so when I got home I got another call almost right away and it just sounded like Chewbacca. I thought that was weird, and then the voice mail was from the same number so I checked that and it was Chewbacca again. It was just Chewbacca noises, and then hang up," he said.
"I thought, 'OK, my friends know that I love Star Wars, and it's May the fourth now, so maybe people be calling just drunk fun or something.'"
Worked better than she expected
When the calls kept coming the next morning, he knew something was up.
"The next morning when I got up, I got a couple more calls and it was Chewbacca, and she just couldn't hold it in anymore and she told me what she'd done. I received a bunch more calls throughout the day, and every time my phone rang I picked up and just waited for the noise."
According to Stephanie, things went over better than she could have expected, with about 30 calls total.
"It was definitely the desired outcome, I couldn't have asked for anything better," she said.
"I don't know who called — we did receive one call from Phoenix, Arizona. I don't know anyone in Phoenix, Arizona, I don't know how the information got down there."
She said she picked May 4 for their wedding anniversary, so Greg would never be able to forget it. May 4 is Star Wars Day, with the traditional greeting, "May the 4th Be With You."