Disqualified Cain's Quest racers win Labrador's heart

Cain's Quest may be officially over, but one disqualified team still won the hearts of many Labradorians when racers approached the finish line Saturday afternoon.

Team 85 was out of the Cain's Quest running but not forgotten

The members of Team 85: Allister Russell and Craig Acreman. (Gren Rumbolt)

Cain's Quest may be officially over, but one disqualified team still won the hearts of many Labradorians when racers approached the finish line Saturday afternoon. 

Cain's Quest rules state that teams must be at the final checkpoint in Labrador City within 18 hours of the first place winners or face disqualification.

While team 85, the Mary's Harbour Backcountry Riders, didn't make it to Checkpoint 18 within the allotted time, the racers decided to forge on ahead and finish the race — and they received a lot of support in the process. 

Hundreds of fans came out to cheer Craig Acreman and Allister Russell across the finish line. 

Hundreds showed up to the Cain's Quest finish line Saturday afternoon to cheer on a team that was disqualified due to a time infraction. (Shane Russell/Facebook)
(Karen Burden)

Even first place winners, Team 22, came out to show their support. 

And to make the occasion even more memorable, it was Acreman's birthday.

The team got a lot of love online as well, with dozens of people posting messages of congratulations on the team's Facebook page. 

The epic, 3,500 kilometre snowmobile race across Labrador came to an official end on Friday morning.