
3 songs from London Morning to boost your playlist

London Morning music curator Ryan Soulliere keeps his ear to the ground listening for new and interesting songs. He shares three songs every week that will boost your own playlist.

London Morning's Ryan Soulliere has 3 hot music picks from this week's shows

Vertigo Blue, Fiker and Ahsia are three musical acts featured on CBC London Morning by music curator Ryan Soulliere.
Vertigo Blue, Fiker and Ahsia are three musical acts featured on CBC London Morning by music curator Ryan Soulliere. (Instagram/Facebook)

London Morning's associate producer, Ryan Soulliere, listens to a lot of music for his role, picking tunes for the show. In any given week, that's about 25 songs. Here are his top three local and Canadian picks from last week.

Vertigo Blue - Wassup?

Vertigo Blue is the name of Chris Mermer's art project. The Toronto rapper has a handful of Vertigo Blue tracks available and they are worth a listen. 

Wassup? is a slow jam with a driving rhythm and catchy chorus. And if this version of Wassup? feels a bit too light, there is a slightly harder version of the song called Wassup! Both are worthy of a party playlist. Wassup? is also mellow enough for kicking back or a great day-starter. 

Fiker - Heavyhand

Heavyhand by London's Fiker might come off as an unassuming track but there is a lot going on in the mix. Heavyhand starts off with jangly guitar, reminiscent of 90's indie rock, and then Fiker's beautiful voice comes in with multiple harmonies, then it's topped off with a warm and lush bass line. 

Heavyhand sounds slightly melancholy with a ray of hope. This is a versatile song that will work well on any playlist. 


MY BAD is a straight up soul song with an infectious beat and perfect vocals from Vancouver's AHSIA. The bass and drums set a perfect vibe for dancing, gatherings or getting things done and the soaring vocals draw you into the beat.

Try MY BAD on a wide range of playlists. It's also the kind of song you can listen to over and over again without fatigue. 

LISTEN | Ryan Soulliere makes the musical pitch on London Morning:

On Fridays London Morning music curator Ryan Soulliere pulls three songs from the show that will give your playlist a boost. This week Ryan recommends adding Wassup? by Vertigo Blue, Heavyhand by London's Fiker and My Bad by Ahsia. 

If you're a music maker in the London area releasing new tunes, get in touch with Ryan Soulliere at with 'New Music' in the subject line.