Ice fishing opens on Belwood Lake
No ice fishing at Shade's Mill reservoir due to jet fuel spill, GRCA says

The recent cold weather means Belwood Lake is now ready for ice fishing, says the Grand River Conservation Authority.
"Conditions will be monitored regularly at Belwood Lake to ensure the ice thickness meets safety requirements," the GRCA said in a release.
"When the ice is too thin, the program will be suspended until it is safe to resume."
The GRCA also noted there will be no ice fishing this season at Shade's Mill conservation area. That's because jet fuel that spilled into Aberfoyle Creek on Jan. 13 has migrated further downstream in Mill Creek than originally thought.
"As a precaution, ice fishing will not be offered this season until the impact of the fuel spill on the reservoir is determined," the GRCA said in a release.
The GRCA also issued a reminder that people need to be careful if they're near local waterways.
"The recent colder temperatures are allowing for some ice formation on local waterways, but the ice in many locations is thin and unstable," the authority said. "Banks adjacent to rivers and creeks are slippery and when combined with cold, fast-moving water pose a serious hazard."