
Taxi driver dies in Highway 63 crash

Another fatal accident on Highway 63 has prompted calls to speed up work on the northern road.

A taxi driver died Thursday evening in a two-vehicle collision on a notorious stretch of Highway 63, north of Fort McMurray.

The crash happened near the Fort McKay intersection and blocked access to the Syncrude site for nearly an hour.

A passenger in the taxi and the driver of a pickup truck that was also involved in the crash were taken to hospital with undisclosed injuries.

Police say alcohol was not believed to be a factor and road conditions were fair at the time.

The taxi driver's name has not been released pending notification of his family.

The fatalitycomes at a time when the union representing many Alberta truck and bus drivers is calling on the government to speed up work on Highway 63.

The highway, which has seen increased traffic due to oilsands development, has been the scene of numerous crashes over the past few years.

The province started twinning work on about 16 kilometres of the road earlier this year.

Roy Finley, spokesman for Teamsters Union local 362 told CBC News that it's taking too long to upgrade a highway that is such a key part of Alberta's economy, yet continues to put so many lives in danger.

"I would suggest if we could build four oilsands plants in Northern Alberta since 1999, I think the government better look at their department and ask the question how come we're not finishing this road?"

Finley said if the government continues to work at its current pace, it will take decades to complete the work.

The province said work is slow because of the muskeg beneath the roadbed.