Should Churchill Square be smoke-free?
Coun. Michael Walters says smokers keep families away

Edmonton City Coun. Michael Walters wants to ban smoking in Churchill Square to make it friendlier to kids.
“We've talked about making that a healthy place that's attractive for families, for citizens,” he said.
“We want that place to be packed and the level of cigarette smoke in the square, I think, deters families from coming.”
Walters says he’s received several complaints about cigarette smoke on the square, especially after the Street Performers Festival last week.
The current bylaw prohibits people from smoking near spray parks, playgrounds and sports fields or on outdoor patios.
Walters asked city staff whether the bylaw could be expanded to include Churchill Square.
"This is a civic square, it's a public space, where lots of people congregate and when smokers come in to the middle of those packs of families and people, it's a terrible experience for them," he said.
Mayor Don Iveson thinks Walters’ idea has merit.
"I think there might be a case to be made for trying to tackle the smoking and the litter that comes with cigarette butts which is a challenge," he said.
A report is expected to come back to city council for discussion, in the fall in hopes of having a smoke-free Churchill Square next week.